Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Eating Whole, Seasonal and Organic Food

Michael Pollen, in his latest book, In Defense of Food, advises us to "eat food" not "food-like substances." What is a food-like substance? He says it's something your grandmother wouldn't recognize on your plate. In otherwords, would she recognize Stove Top Stuffing? Would she recognize Doritos? If not, it's not food. Pure and simple.

Start here. An orange is a whole food. Fish is a whole food. Whole grains are whole foods. Things that come out of the ground or grow in a tree, living critters that graze in green pastures and swim in the oceans are whole foods. I think you get it.

Next, eat seasonal foods. If it doesn't grow in a farm near you this time of year, chances are that whole food isn't seasonal. Peaches in October? Don't think so. Pumpkins in Spring. Nah.... And anyhow, have you tried a peach in October? It probably comes from Chile and doesn't have that wonderful perfume of a perfectly ripe, picked off the tree peach, right? And the only pumpkin you will see in the Spring is in a can and would grandma have used pumpkin in a can? Nope. Nope. Nope.

And a final thought, with more on this another day, eat organic whole foods when you can. We already breathe in some pretty nasty air. We take in other toxins and pollutants with the chemicals in our house cleaners, for example, why not put in our bodies something free and clear of pesticides and herbicides? Would you take a perfectly clean tomato and spray some bug spray on it and eat it? I don't think so? So why would you let someone else spray your tomato for you to eat? Makes no sense right? There are a host of other reasons why you should eat organic, but for now, let's not keep putting stuff in our bodies that our bodies don't want. Because afterall, our bodies will have to work very hard to get rid of those toxins, those sprays, those chemicals, those pollutants.

OK for now.. More on organics another day and some on the environmental reasons you should eat locally produced whole foods.


  1. Hi, Marirose. You make a lot of sense on this blog. I am going to read it regularly! Thanks.

  2. This is a perfect blog for adults and kids alike!
    I love it!
